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The new programming language from Jetbrains Kotlin that replaces Java!

Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language, it runs on the JVM and can be compiled to Js source code. It was developed by the team of JetBrains that are known for their amazing compilers!

Jetbrains for those of you who did not hear of it, is the leader when it comes to IDEs, Jetbrains has the best IDE for several programming language over there, the most commun are Intellij IDEA and PyCharm and some other IDEs that are so professional and intuitive! So Kotlin should be good, Right? Yeah and it may also be the replacement for android, because it's primarily faced toward Mobile Apps Developement which means that it's gonna be easier than Java when it comes to the learning process and maybe faster! below is an example on how it looks like!

package hello
Optional package header
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
   println("Hello World!")

Kotlin can also be used directly from a command Line, you use Intellij IDEA or Android Studio! or Eclipse if you are used it! discover more here : Kotlin Programming Language

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