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Learn a New Language while playing this Game!

Do you face any problems when learning a new language? do you mix up languages when using it in a specific situation, that's what we're gonan try to solve today with this game that'll create a great learning environement for you!

Computer games are so fun, especially for Multiplayer and Online games while you play with others, while challenges and competition is present, losing or winning, one of the studies said that you can make better use of learning, when learning using an educational game! by using this language learning Game that is Called Crystallize, researchers have found that players are learning more words, and they are spending better times especially when completing tasks together! the game was crated by Ereck Anderson and his students, then it got developed by some researchers, it works on a principle of exchanging roles in a virtual word, its chracters speak a language, that when the player needs to learn how to communicate with that language which makes it easier to complete games goals with making friends or getting jobs!, the first version of the game teaches Japanese, but that being said, developers said that it's going to be available for other languages in later versions!
without futher a do, download the game and check if you like it! especially for you, anime fans! time to learn some japanese :D! 

Get the game here : Crystallize
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