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Elementary OS Review and how it's a GAME CHANGER!

Elementary OS was something i did not regret, and i still use until now at the moment of writing this Article on Chromium from Elemenetary OS!

In this Article i wanna talk about how this Incredible OS was a game changer for me and reasons i use it over windows for the most part, now, i rarely even open windows, i do all the work in here, a better appearance, better performances, better usability. let's go into details.

1. Intensive Programs
First of all i will talk about some apps that i could not run easily on windows, one of the reasons is that they were resources extensive, Programs like Android Studio, was unusable when i did install it on windows, that's why i always had to uninstall it Right away, on Linux, or Elementary OS to be specific since it's what are we talking about here, it ran so fast, i'm not saying that it had no lag at all, but it was noticeably faster, like way faster than it did on windows, i can use it now with no problems on my 4Gbs of RAM computer and the 4 cores i3 CPU. 

2. Clean Interface
Elementary user interface is so clean, you can't go wrong with it, everything is where it should be, easy access to different settings to customize it, and the internet is always for you there if you wanted some help in using some terminal commands, and as you would expect, it is based on ubuntu, so everything that works on ubuntu, works on elementary, the ubuntu community is so huge, that means that you probably will find what you were looking for, even with some stuff that i thought no one had before, after googling, just found the solution right away!

3. It has Everything i need
Not to compare it to windows when it comes to apps, especially the one that focuses on productivity like Design apps and video editing, but as a Blender user, blender runs just right on elementary, and even faster that on windows, it has some few glitches though, but that may be because of the older version that i'm using, the latest one is not in the repositories, so i had to download it manually which is not something i wanna do now, when i need some heavy work, i just switch to windows as i have it dual-booted. LMMS is here as well for music production, Gimp as a photoshop replacement, Eclipse as an IDE that i use most of the times, Darktables as the Post-Processing app that i use for the most part, so i have mostly everything here, for video editing, i have kdenlive and i can also use blender in case i wanted to, they both are not as advanced, but they work as expected, in case i wanted to go further, again i just switch to windows!

4. AppCenter
The appCenter is just about good, it does not have all the apps, but it has some of the main ones, although you can install the others from the repositories using the terminal, it has a new feature in the latest version, that if you want to donate to the creator of the app, you can pay what you like, or download it for free, in case you wanted to donate!

5. Default Apps
The apps that comes with it out of the box are great, epiphancy as the main web browser, midori previously, it does everything a standard browser does, but i suggedt getting a third party browser for a better experience, in case you don't want to, epiphancy does the job for you! the music and the video apps are good too, you can download other players as VLC as they are always available, the screenshot app and file browser, and all, these are normal apps that are clean and straightforward!

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