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Elementary OS A fast and open replacement for Windows and macOS

Mixing Ubuntu's stability with mac's elegance resulting in elementary OS, the beautfully designed OS!

Elementary OS, is a linux based operating system on Ubuntu distribution, But it's so different in it's own way, it's not like any other distribution that is based on ubuntu, it looks different, performs different for the most part, and still runs all the apps that runs on ubuntu, which is an advantage, a huge advantage. Elementary have been around for a few years now, in it's early versions Luna and Freya, today it's Loki, and it's been updated to Loki 0.4.1 recently in 17/05/2017, which made the OS more stable in general, faster and smoother animations, additions to the app store and some other changes overall. 

It looks Quite like mac OS, with light gray theme for the interface, a minimal dock in the bottom of the screen, that hides in an intelligent way, with a transparent upper bar that fits the wallpaper in a great way, so we'll say that it's elegant overall, and  you'll notice that after using it for a few minutes!

Elementary does not come with a lot of bloatware apps pre-installed, it mainly have only some necessary apps, like Screenshot, Scratch as a Notepad, Video and music players, Epiphancy as a web browser, that works pretty good but using an alternative browser is always an option, and we'll talk about what browsers are good in elementary and how to make them fit its theme. it has a camera app, appCenter, a calculator and a simple scan, and the Terminal, of course! 

As any other Linux distribution, for the most part, it's a free OS, you can download it for free, while you can donate if you want to, with a price of your choice, starting from 0$ (FREE) to a price of your choice! just to help the developers in case you wanted to. 

After using the OS for a while dual-booted with windows, i find it pretty good to use for daily stuff, although you can get creative and install some creativity apps like the ones we already discussed in other articles, Best Video Editing Softwares for linux! maybe it's time to make the switch!, We'll talk about more apps in the future, from sound production to Design and programming!

Download Elementary OS from here : A fast and open replacement for Windows and macOS

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